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Privacy Policy: 


When purchasing services through Boulder All Star Movers, LLC you agree and adhere to the following privacy policy in regards to personal information received by Boulder All Star Movers, LLC or any of its affiliated member, employees, contractors, sub contractors or anyone affiliated with Boulder All Star Movers, LLC. Your use of the Site [www.boulderallstarmovers.com] and purchase of services online will indicate your acceptance of these terms, do not use the Site or purchase services online if you do not agree to be bound by these terms. We may periodically change the terms in our sole discretion and without notice so please check these terms before you continue to use or purchase services on this site. Continued use of the Site signifies your acceptance of any changed terms.


1). What information does the company collect and how does it do so?


When you purchase services online through Boulder All Star Movers, LLC you will be asked to fill out an appointment form catered specifically to your moving help needs. The information you will provide will be information in regards to your contact information, and details regarding the services you wish to have performed. Once you submit your appointment form, you will be taken to a prepay page where you will provide credit card information to pay for Boulder All Star Movers, LLC’s services. This information is stored in a secure third party ecommerce system called “Stripe”. Once you have completed an order from our website [www.boulderallstarmovers.com] we will have your contact information, job order information as well as credit card information.


 2). How does the company protect the information it collects?

Once your order form has been submitted, the information regarding your personal contact information will be stored in our secure scheduling system for members, employees, contractors, third party contractors or anyone affiliated with Boulder All Star Movers, LLC to retrieve information from. Your credit card information is stored in a secure third-party financial application program. This information will only be used by Boulder All Star Movers, LLC to finalize payments, refunds, or any other type of financial transaction. The credit card information collected is not shared with anyone except executive members of Boulder All Star Movers, LLC and the third party financial application “Stripe”. Your information will not be sold, solicited, or in anyway distributed to anyone that is not an executive member of Boulder All Star Movers, LLC or a legal body in a circumstance which providing such information is required under applicable law.


3). How does the company use the information it collects?

When Boulder All Star Movers, LLC obtains information from our clients, we have the sole discretion to distribute to any member, employee, contractor, sub contractor or any third party or affiliate of Boulder All Star Movers, LLC in connection with the services you purchase. We will only use this information in the sole act of completing the job requested for residential, commercial, or any type of moving help services provided by Boulder All Star Movers, LLC.  


4). Does the company share the information it collects with others, and if so, what is shared and with whom is the information shared?

When your appointment form information is collected, only affiliates of Boulder All Star Movers, LLC will have access to the information. All of your financial information is stored privately with our third party ecommerce “Stripe” System embedded into our online payment system. Your information is never sold, exposed, disclosed or accessible to anyone out side of Boulder All Star Movers, LLC.



5). Do customers have control over their personal data, and if so, what control do they have?

When considering whether to purchase services through Boulder All Star Movers, LLC you have the option of whether or not you want to purchase our services online. Through this method, you will be given the option to give as much information as you would like, at your own will. Customers of this website have full control over what information is sent via our appointment form or through an email. To proceed with our online reservation system, you will have the option to purchase these services online, via credit/debit card. At this point you have the option to disclose your financial information to our ecommerce system “Stripe” to authorize a purchase. By using this site, you in no way, shape or form have any obligation to disclose any financial information unless you desire to do so at your own will.